
May 11, 2010
Raising Holistic Children

Holistic parents focus on the mind, body and spirit of their child, recognizing that each area of development is intertwined with the others. Many other popular parenting techniques are covered under the broad umbrella of holistic parenting.

Developing the Mind

Holistic parents know that a child starts learning about the world around him, and his place in it, the moment he is out of the womb. Therefore, parenting should be done with thoughtfulness and care. Rather than using old-fashioned advice as a guide, holistic parents are learning to trust their parenting instincts as they nurture the minds of their children.
  • Attachment parenting is firmly rooted in holistic parenting. Holistic parents believe that a strong attachment, formed at birth and in the years after, will help children grow to be emotionally stable and self-confident. Parents form strong attachments through co-sleeping, breastfeeding, and baby wearing in the early years. Holistic parents will keep an attached relationship with older children by making communication a priority and maintaining a connection.
  • The home schooling movement has taken off in recent years. It is another popular parenting method that falls within the boundaries of holistic parenting. Parents choose to home school for a variety of reasons, but holistic parents believe that the parents are the child’s first and best teachers. They choose to teach with their child’s particular personality and needs in mind.

Developing the Body

Holistic parents believe that health should be maintained through natural foods, taking care of the environment and making informed health decisions.
  • Holistic families may strive to eat only organic foods and minimally processed foods in order to maintain health and develop the body to its greatest potential. They may grow some or all of their own food in a garden. These parents shun the commercially prepared foods that are loaded with additives and fillers which are linked to many health problems.
  • Many holistic families live as environmentally friendly as possible. They may choose natural cleaning methods to support their immediate environment, which also supports the development of the body. They may choose to use cloth diapers and other cloth products, such as napkins and even cloth menstrual pads.
  • Holistic parents educate themselves about health concerns. For example, they will make informed choices before accepting a prescription for antibiotics. They are also likely to seek alternative treatments from chiropractors, naturopaths and homeopathic doctors.

Developing the Spirit

Holistic parents believe in a higher power. Developing the spirit can take many forms depending on the family’s particular beliefs. Many holistic families participate in organized religion. Many others find their own way spiritually through meditation and prayer. Others may revere nature and live mindfully with respect to the Earth.
Just as there is no one path in life, there is no one path to holistic parenting.

May 11, 2010











Holistic Love Making


 Holistic Tools

1. Live-food diet-fruits,vegetables,whole grains
2. Herbs
3. Live Juices
4. Clay work
5. Water work-internal cleansing(enemas)and sacred baths
7.Spiritual work/prayer,meditation,and affirmation
8.Life mission clear and in harmony
9. Self love
10.Breath work
11. Knowledge of self



Results of Using Tools

For Her:
Reawakening of the vagina
Longevity/eternal youth
Love fluids are rejuvenated and cleansed(prevention of diseases between you and your mate)
Greater sensitivity,which equals greater orgasm
End of violence within the love union
Elimination or prevention of impotency and other sexually related imbalances within men and women

For Him:
Reawakening of tired penis
Creates a profound spiritual balance and deep love union
Enhanced creativity and energy level during lovemaking
Brings about respect and reverence for mate
Holistic lovemaking reduces or eliminates low self esteem
Seeing the body as a divine temple of love and beauty
If channeled,holistic lovemaking opens the sixth and seventh chakras -the spiritual gateways to the body temple


March 26, 2010 


 Be SAFE! PROTECT Yourself!

Made without the milk protein found in some latexes, Glyde safer sex products are totally vegan and not tested on animals. (Glyde condoms are made of latex, and those with latex allergies should not use them.) All varieties are lightly lubricated with a silicone-based lube, condom safe, and free from spermicides. Flavored condoms contain food-grade fruit extracts.

Available in 12 or 24 packs of Ultra (regular), Maxi (extra large), Special (slightly smaller), Strawberry, Blueberry, Vanilla, Wildberry, Black, and variety packs of flavor mix (all standard size) or a mix of all types (including multiple sizes). 

If you are going to be sexually active, you should make condom use a habit. Using a condom is still considered the best way to protect you from HIV and many other STDs, but it is by no means foolproof.
Although condoms are found to be completely safe in the laboratory, human error can decrease the effectiveness in the real world. In order to stay completely protected, make sure you use a condom every time and make sure to put the condom on before any contact. Always avoid sexual activity when using drugs or alcohol, because they can impair your judgement and your ability to use the condom correctly.

If you're looking for the most natural and organic lube on the market, you've found it in British-made Yes. Containing mostly organic aloe vera, Yes is slick, flavorless, and made from a short list of high-quality ingredients. If you were a fan of Sensua Organics' lube before they stopped making vegan products, you'll love Yes's similar - but better - feel. Available in 125ml (4.4oz) bottles.

About this product:
* Condom compatible
* Water based
* Glycerin free
* Made in the UK in a certified organic facility

Tantus Silicone's Buzz is a lovely semi-realistic vibe that's great for all purposes, and makes an excellent first vibrator if you're looking to try something out. The removable micro-vibe in the base is powered by watch-size batteries (included). The Buzz measures 1.5 inches wide by 6.55 inches long. Available in midnight purple and pink.
All Tantus Silicone toys are hand made, hygienic, hypoallergenic, harness compatible, durable, and easy to sterilize. Silicone is the best material for adult toys, and although it costs a bit more than mystery "jelly" products, it's worth it.

About this product:
* Phthalate free
* Harness compatible
* Made in Chula Vista, California



The only 100 percent sure way to protect yourself is to not have sex. It only takes one sexual contact with someone who has an STD to catch it. Despite all the references to sex in the popular media, it is possible to be in a committed relationship and not have sex. You just have to decide that that is what you want and then make sure that your partner understands that you are serious about it.

Kissing on the mouth, ears, and neck can be loving, and even massages, dancing, and hugging can show your feelings.  "Sex is kissing, holding hands, and saying warm and tender things to each other, and cuddling," 
So, if that's what you want, just say to your partner, 'What I want is to be held, clear and simple.'"

suggests, winding down at the end of a long day by exchanging foot rubs-it can be soothing and playful and can release muscle tension.

March 23, 2010 

Calories per Pound of Fat

 There are 3500 calories per pound of body fat. In order to lose just one pound of stored fat we need to burn off 3500 extra calories, sounds simple, yet so many dieters claim to cut enough calories per pound each week but hardly lose any fat.

Calories per pound will never add up when losing weight!
 If daily calorie intake is cut by 500 less than the body requires it seems logical that fat stores will supply the additional energy requirements. However energy metabolism is complex and can be different between individuals. 
Which fuel the body uses depends on many factors; fitness levels, present energy stores, motivation levels, type of exercise chosen, genetic predisposition and nutritional state are a few of the important factors.
During a calorie reduction some fuel from fat stores will be used as that's the role of excess body fat. The problem is that fat is not the best source of energy for the cells. Muscle cells need a constant supply of oxygen in order to burn fat continuously. At rest enough oxygen can easily be supplied but resting hardly uses any calories at all, we may only burn 50 calories an hour. Remember, we need to burn 3500 extra calories per pound of fat so we must actively move to increase the total calories burned, now this is where things can get complicated!
Exercising obviously burns many more calories, but due to low fitness levels, most sedentary people cannot supply enough oxygen to enable millions of working cells to continue burning fat for energy. The cells must use another fuel, preferably a quick-burning fuel that requires no oxygen - the role of carbohydrates!


The result is carbohydrates and fats are BOTH used to supply the cells energy with carbs being the predominant fuel. The proportion of carbohydrate to fat used depends on factors such as the individual fitness level and the type/intensity of exercise performed. These facts help explain the reason calculations become confusing, dieters reduce intake in calories per pound of fat without realizing that body fat cannot make up all the deficit in calories. The main point here is that we need to burn a far greater number of calories per pound of fat to burn off one pound of fat!!

March 17, 2010
The Important Thing Is To Be Healthy!

Just b/c one is thin doesn't make you healthy. This is one thing that society mentally has all wrong and screwed up. Let's educate ourselves people! Thick, chunky and fat girls(depending on how fat) are not all un-healthy. Some are healthier than those that are thin....Get it together people!

If your Thick, Chunky or fat and your healthy, EMBRACE IT!!!

Thin people might be fat on the inside and suffer from risks posed by the internal fat surrounding vital organs, Britsh resarchers has warned. "Being thin doesn't automatically mean you're not fat," an AP report Thursday quoted Dr. Jimmy Bell, a professor of molecular imaging at Imperial College, London, as saying.
Bell's team has scanned nearly 800 people with MRI machines since 1994 to find out where fat is stored in their bodies.
Data show people who keep slim through diet rather than physical exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat.
Doctors worry that thin people, without a clear warning signal, may falsely assume that they're healthy just because they're not overweight.
"Just because someone is lean doesn't make them immune to diabetes or other risk factors for heart disease," said Dr. Louis Teichholz, chief of cardiology at Hackensack Hospital in New Jersey.
Even normal Body Mass Index (BMI) scores cannot assure healthy levels of fat deposits inside.
Of the women scanned by Bell and his colleagues, as many as 45 percent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had excessive levels of internal fat. Among men, the percentage was nearly 60 percent.
Experts say there is no short-cut when it comes to being fit. "If you just want to look thin, then maybe dieting is enough," Bell said. "But if you want to actually be healthy, then exercise has to be an important component of your lifestyle."

Sumi Salad (asian Cabbage Salad) Recipe

This is the best summer  salad! Very light and refreshing but, I love to eat this any time of the year....Does a body GOOD!

  • 1 tsp black pepper (freshly ground if possible) .
  • Dressing .
  • 2 tbsps oil .
  • 2 tsps Accent seasoning (optional) .
  • 6 tbsps rice vinegar .
  • 1/4 c sesame seeds .
  • Salad .
  • 1 tsp salt .
  • 8 green onions, finely sliced .
  • 3/4 c oil (I prefer Canola oil) .
  • 1/4 c white sugar .
  • 2 (3 oz) packages seasoned ramen noodles (break up noodles in package) .
  • 1/4 c sliced almonds .
  • 1 head green cabbage, finely sliced

  • Step #1 Dressing:.
  • Step #2 Mix sugar, rice vinegar & salt together in small saucepan.
  • Step #3 Heat over medium until sugar & salt dissolve.
  • Step #4 Let mixture cool & then mix with remaining dressing ingredients.
  • Step #5 Set aside.
  • Step #6 Salad:.
  • Step #7 Heat 2 tbsps oil in skillet.
  • Step #8 Toast almonds & sesame seeds until lightly browned.
  • Step #9 Combine with onions, cabbage, & dressing.
  • Step #10 Approximately 30 mins before serving, crush ramen noodles in their package & mix with salad.
  • Step #11 Note: This salad is best if you make it the night before you plan on serving it.
  • Step #12 The sweet & salty flavors develop overnight & although the cabbage softens a bit, it still retains it's crunchy texture.
  • Step #13 A good summer salad for picnics since it travels well & doesn't contain mayonaise.
  • Enjoy the Sumi Salad (Asian Cabbage Salad) recipe



    Posted February 27, 2010

    What is Be-GIRL Be?

    B-Girl Be: A Celebration of Women in Hip-Hop, a multimedia festival encompassing the four elements of hip-hop: MCing, DJing, breakdancing and graffiti. . This beloved Minneapolis event is a place to make connections, build confidence, sharpen skills and gain access to the tools to create music, film, poetry, rap, aerosol art and dance.

    The mission of B-Girl Be is to influence and inspire leadership to change the perceptions and roles of women in hip-hop for current and future generations.

    B-Girl Be Hip-Hop Diploma Scholarship” Announced at McNally Smith College of Music

    The first college in the country to offer a diploma in Hip-Hop is looking for more B-girls to join its ranks. To help recognize the contributions women have made in Hip-Hop, McNally Smith College of Music has just announced a new three-semester scholarship program called “B-Girl Be Hip-Hop Diploma Scholarship” to cultivate the next great female practitioners of the popular worldwide music form. Applications can be made at the college from September 19 until March 1, 2010 for the 2010-2011 school year.
    The “B-Girl Be Scholarship” is available to young women performers and non-performers, and will allow a student to receive half tuition (a $16,000 value) free of charge.  Scholarship review panelists will include representatives from B-Girl Be, Intermedia Arts, and McNally Smith College of Music.  The scholarship winner will also have to meet McNally Smith College of Music admissions requirements.

    Toki Wright, coordinator of the music school’s Hip-Hop studies program — and an outstanding emcee, poet, community organizer and recording artist for Rhymesayers Entertainment — lauded the scholarship decision, saying it will validate even more the work of women in the genre.

    The ‘B-Girl Be Scholarship acknowledges that women’s contributions are important and essential to sustaining and expanding Hip-Hop culture. The work of MC Lyte, Tricia Rose, Queen Latifah, and countless industry representatives demonstrate the power, talent and tenacity it takes to make it in the culture and business of Hip-Hop.

    McNally Smith College of Music’s Hip-Hop Diploma program, dedicated to Hip Hop Studies, got underway this year with 14 Students who will make up the music school’s first Hip-Hop Class of 2010.  The leading program in the country is designed for students who want to explore and develop in a cross-departmental curriculum that covers music, recording technology, language, music history, and music business.


    B-Girl Be Scholarship Details

    When to Apply:

    September 19th, 2009-March 1st, 2010
    Essays must be received by 12 noon on March 1st

    • 2 page essay (typed in Times Roman 12-point font and single spaced) answering the question: “Why is it important to recognize women in Hip Hop?”
    • Performers must submit 3.5 minutes audio or visual piece for submission (you need not be a performer to apply for this scholarship.  Address below.)

    Eligibility Requirements

    Applicants must:
    • Anticipate completion of high school diploma/GED at the time of application or a high school diploma/GED recipient
    • Plan to pursue a Hip Hop Diploma at McNally Smith College of Music
    • Carry a minimum 3.0 GPA at the end of their most recent academic year.  Those without a 3.0 GPA must submit an additional 1-2 page essay explanation.
    • Essays (and audition piece if any) must be received my 12 noon on March 1, 2010.

    Send your application, essay, (and audition piece if any) to:

    McNally Smith College of Music
    C/O Scholarships
    19 Exchange St. E
    St. Paul, MN


    Posted February 26, 2010
    Aztec Secret:
    Indian Healing Clay Facial Mask

    TO APPLY: Just take about a teaspoon full of clay and mix it with an equal part of water or raw apple cider vinegar. Smooth the paste over the face and let it sit for about 15 minutes or until dry. As it dries you face will begin to pulsate. The pulsation feels like a face massage! After the time is up simply wash the wash off with warm water.

    Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is 100% Natural. No additives. No fragrances. No Animal Testing. No Animal Products.

    the unique molecular structure of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay deep cleanses skin pores, removing dirt and impurities, lifting out poisons and toxins stored in the epidermis; pimples and blackheads are absorbed into the clay bed, resulting in accelerated healing and nourishment of the skin. The skin is clean, refreshed, and alive. You can see and feel the difference.

     Posted February 24, 2010

    Cassava Chips

    cassava is a root plant that grows like potato. From the Amazon basin, its cultivation spread to greater Latin America, Asia, and Africa thousands of years ago. Today, cassava is a staple food consumed by more than 500 million around the world. With twice the fiber and 40% less fat than the leading potato chips, Arico Cassava Chips offer a light, crispy addictive crunch that will delight your senses.

    Ginger on Fire, Sea Salt Mist, Original,Barbeque Bliss

    Heart Healthy Margarita
    Lime Tortilla Chips

    "all of our chips are made with plant sterols and have been proven to lower cholesterol. We use only heart-healthy oils, plus other great ingredients like whole oats and whole grains (our tortilla chips) and a frying process that helps our potato chips have 40% less fat than regular potato chips."


    Crispy Green Fruit snacks are all natural. They don't contain any added sugar, artificial flavors, or preservatives. They are also fat free, low calorie, and have no cholesterol. Whether your primary concern is with consuming healthy foods, or if you're working on whittling down your waistline, you're sure to be pleased with the nutritional facts about Crispy Green Fruit snacks.

      Avocado Oil Potato Chips


    Just like their other innovation- Avocado Chips, both kinds of chips are kettle cooked for a satisfying crunch, contain 0 trans fats, no MSG and 20% less fat than traditional chips! The folks at Good Health Natural Products say that the Avocado Chips offer snackers “good” monounsaturated fats given the oil they’re fried in (yep, 100% avocado oil- you guessed it!), and that you’re harnessing the anti-oxidants found in the fruit (you get a wallop of vitamin c with each bag too!). OK, so you can eat your good oils- and you can have them dusted in a few tasty flavors too including: Barcelona Barbecue, Sea Salt, Chilean Lime, and coming soon- Quattro Formaggio (or 4 cheeses). You could dip these, but with the fantastic flavor offerings, and the quality of ingredients used.

     Posted February 21, 2010 
    Cheap ways to care for your skin:

    1. Use as an exfoliate for the face and body to help get rid of blemishes
    2. Teeth whitener 
    about $1

    Pure Cocoa Butter
    varies but 
    you can get it as low as $5 for a jar 1 pound

    Cocoa butter (also known as Cacao butter) contains a large number of different antioxidants that act synergistically to present a massive offensive against the free radicals that destroy your skin cells and lead to premature aging. As such, therefore, it is the ideal skin care product.
    Cocoa butter contains a number of different antioxidants that can kill off a wide range of different free radicals and superoxides, including hydrogen peroxide. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant - the strongest of all the antioxidant vitamins in fact, and can easily kill off hydrogen peroxide and any other oxidizing agent. The others are vitamins A and C, but they cannot approach the effectiveness of vitamin E.
    In order for cocoa butter to be effective, it should get in contact with as many of your skin cells as possible, which involves rubbing it well into your skin. The skin is very absorbent and will destroy free radicals in the lower depths of your skin as soon as they are produced, and before they can do damage.
    It has been scientifically proved that cocoa butter will prevent skin degradation due to the harmful effects of the UV light in the rays of the sun - UV radiation generates free radicals that are very effective at destroying skin. Just look at the effect of sunburn! However, there is more to cocoa butter than just that.

    It contains a large proportion of minerals including calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron, all of which are in a highly bio-available form that render them more effective that commercial vitamin supplements. Not only that, though. It also contains tryptophan, involved in the formation of serotonin, the 'feel good' neurotransmitter, and also dopamine and phenylethylamine, all good substances. It is a brain food as well as food for your skin.

    Without a doubt, there are few better skin care products than cocoa butter, and few that also makes you feel good scientifically in addition to feeling great at the way you skin looks so good.

     Olive oil
     for a small bottle at Schnucks $1.99 (prices vary according to size and brand)

    To receive the full benefit of olive oil, don't limit it to external care. Take a cue from the Mediterranean culture... eat it! Incorporate this healthy oil regularly into your diet. You’ll enhance your health while improving the appearance of your skin.
    Olive oil is high in antioxidants, including vitamin E. Antioxidants are nutritional powerhouses that protect against age-accelerating free radicals. The oil of this miraculous fruit will guard your body and your skin... from the inside out.
    The next time you enjoy a healthy salad, top with a drizzle of olive oil. Balsamic vinegar and olive oil make a delicious vinaigrette that is high in antioxidant, anti-aging protection.
    When purchasing, always choose Extra Virgin olive oil, preferably organic. This is the least processed and retains the highest nutrient value.
    Skin Care... Straight From the Bottle!
    You can concoct simple skin care recipes right in your kitchen. Try the mini beauty treatments below...
    Bath: For a moisturizing soak, add about ¼ cup olive oil and several drops of essential oil to your bathwater. Lavender oil will help you relax before going to bed. (Careful - the tub will be slippery!)
    Dry Skin: Gently massage a small amount of olive oil on extra dry areas such as elbows or heels.
    Hands: Whip up a quick sugar scrub for rough, dry hands. Combine two tablespoons of oil with two tablespoons of sugar. Rub on hands until sugar begins to dissolve. Rinse with warm water. Voilà! Silky-smooth hands.
    Feet: Apply a liberal amount of oil to feet at bedtime. Cover with cotton socks. Not sexy... but oh-so-soft feet in the morning! The magic works for hands, too. Cover with white cotton gloves (hmm, even less sexy).
    Face: Create a moisturizing facial mask with olive oil, honey, and an egg yolk. Beat until well blended and apply to face... then relax! Leave on for 15 minutes; rinse with warm water.
    Nails: Warm a small dish of olive oil (not too hot) with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Soak nails for 5- 10 minutes. This softens cuticles while it strengthens nails.
    Hair: For a simple oil treatment, warm several tablespoons of olive oil (again, not hot). Rub into scalp and hair. Cover with a shower cap or small plastic bag. Leave on for 20-30 minutes.
    For extra conditioning, mix an egg yolk with the olive oil... but do not warm. This is great for dry hair and split ends. It may even heal dandruff. Shampoo twice after this treatment or you'll smell like raw egg!
    Lips: Alleviate chapped lips with straight olive oil. Dab on lips... especially helpful at bedtime.
    Not into homemade skin care? Well you're in luck. Manufacturers have discovered the power of this ancient beauty treasure. You'll find an assortment of olive oil skin care products online and off including: olive oil body butter, luxurious soaps, silky body cleansers, rich skin creams, foot softening lotions, and even a variety of hair care products that all take advantage of the olive.

    Make this anti-aging, antioxidant-rich oil YOUR personal beauty secret!


     This particular bottle is $10
    Hemp butter is rarely considered by many as a skin care product of choice, mainly because most are unaware of the unique benefits that it can provide to your skin.  Were you aware of these benefits, then it's pretty certain that hemp would be high on your shopping list.
    Hemp gets a bad name because of its association with illegal substances, but it sure makes good, strong ropes!  And it can also make good strong skin for you! Perhaps not for the same reasons, but it is a fact nonetheless. Hemp butter is a unique product when it comes to skin care and cosmetics:  in fact unique is wrong - better to use effective!

    Many people, both men and women, use hemp butter to care for their skin, particularly in the southern hemisphere where the UV component of sunlight can turn even the youngest skin into tough leather in a relatively short period of time.

    Too many of today's skin care products are formulated from synthetic substances that do little for your skin other than make it smooth due to the oils it contains. Engine oil will make your skin feel smooth - but will it make it healthy? How about a good dollop of axle grease - the ultimate in smoothness. Or would you prefer hemp butter, with its healthy combination of fatty acids designed to keep your skin looking youthful and fresh?

    Forget the hype, here are the facts:

    1.  Hemp is generally grown organically without pesticides or any other chemicals. It is organic and natural. It is therefore not only good for your body, but also for the environment, so when you use hemp butter you are helping to protect the environment.
    2.  Hemp contains a good ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids. This means that hemp seed oil is better than flax seed oil for your health and for your skin. Hemp butter also provides you with excellent protection against the damaging UV component of sunlight, so helps keep your skin healthy.It is not coincidence that hemp makes a strong fiber, and it also contains substances that prevent its degradation by the elements. In fact, one leads to the other, and by using hemp butter, you can use the natural components of hemp to help to protect your skin from these same elements. Many argue that one doesn't necessarily lead to the other, but in this case it does.
    Omega 3 oils are healthy, not only for your heart, but also for your skin.  UV radiation from the sun can dry up your skin, and the natural protective substances contained within hemp butter will also protect your skin from the drying effects of the sun. The antioxidant effect of these oils helps to destroy the damaging free radicals generated by strong sunlight that destroy your skin cells.
    No matter what other skin cream you might choose, you will have to look hard to find one with the natural protective properties of hemp butter. In fact, you might never do so! 

    Other excellent products:

    Almond, Sweet
     - Notes: Sweet Almond oil is a good all-purpose carrier oil and is moderately priced.  It is cold pressed from the almond itself. Conditioning, emollient, softens and smoothes skin.

    Apricot Kernel
    - Notes: The semi-oily texture makes this oil helpful in massage blends.
     - Notes: It may overpower a blend if not used in a small dilution. High in vitamins A, D, and E. It softens skin and aids in cell regeneration. It is often used in products for sensitive skin. 

    - Notes: It is a good choice for those with oilier skin.

    - Notes: Jojoba "oil" is actually a wax. It is frequently blended in a small dilution with other oils. It has a very long shelf-life and is the closest to the skins own naturally occurring oils. 

    Rose Hip
    - Notes: It is excellent in treating many skin conditions. It is expensive and is usually blended in a small dilution with other carrier oils

    - Notes: Sesame oil may overpower a blend if not diluted with another carrier oil.

    Shea Butter
    - Notes: Suitable for use in lotions and creams.  It is derived from an African nut and is also known as Karite Butter. It is extremely gentle to the skin and is very moisturizing.

    - Notes: When choosing sunflower oil, strive to get unrefined oil.



    You should picture your hair as a collection of fine fibers.  You should treat it as gently as you would a fine washable silk blouse.  The better you treat your hair, the easier it will be to grow and the better it will look. African hair will tend to be dryer and more prone to breakage because the structure makes it more difficult for the oils to work their way from the scalp to the ends of the hair.  If you relax your hair, you've weakened the hair and reduced the ability for the scalp to naturally oil it. The points where the hair curls and twists are also points where the hair tends to break.  The more of these points (as in African hair), the more the hair is prone to breakage.   Also, because our hair is kinky, it tends to tangle more and pulling these tangles out can cause breakage.

    • Either section the hair and plait it, tie it back or wrap it up using a scarf before going to bed, this will reduce the number of tangles you have to comb out the next morning, reducing the chances of breaking your hair. 

    • Sleep with a satin scarf or sleep cap on your head or with a satin pillow case.  This helps avoid split ends caused by the rubbing of your hair against a "rough" cotton pillow case.  It also avoids moisture being wicked out of your hair into your cotton pillow case.

    • Wash your hair no more often than every week to week and a half.  More than that can dry it out.

    • Comb your hair out while you're conditioning it to remove the tangles while it's wet and relatively slick.

    • Oil your scalp on a regular basis with a good natural oil like shea butter.  A daily moisturizer is not a bad idea.

    • Do a deep conditioner or hot oil treatment once a month.

    • Massage your scalp on a regular basis to promote circulation and oil production.

    • Avoid overuse of products with mineral oil or petroleum.  They tend to block the pores and are not readily absorbed.  If your mother used Vaseline® on your hair, stop.

    • If you exercise and sweat, rinse the salt out of your hair even if you don't wash it.  Condition it afterwards with a daily leave-in conditioner.

    • Always use a leave-in conditioner after washing your hair.

    • Put as little heat as possible on your hair.  Heat, especially combined with perms is very damaging to hair.

    • Avoid alcohol based products unless you have a need for a water-free shampoo to cleanse your scalp (for example while you're waiting for your locks to lock).

    • Remember that water (moisture) is your friend and get  plenty- inside and out.  If you used to press your hair or blow it out and learned to fear water on your hair because it would draw up, you need to get over this.  Spritzing a little water on your hair every day is a good idea.  Get a spray bottle and just spray it just a little.

    • Eat a proper diet.  Vitamins and protein are essential for proper hair growth. We have nutritional supplements specifically designed for hair and skin health.  Hair Growth Supplements

    • Find a style that works with your natural hair type and growth pattern.  The less you work against your hair, the less stressed it will be.

    • Do not relax your hair until it is bone straight.  This is just asking for trouble.  Why relax your hair until it has absolutely no body or curl and then put heat on it to try to get that curl back? 

    Some tools you should have in your kit
    • A good shampoo: They will be more expensive.  But, they'll use more gentle cleansers and be more concentrated.  You may find they save you money in the long run.  And, your hair will definitely show the difference.  We offer several.

    • A good acidifier (a conditioner with a low pH): Acidifying the hair adds shine and detangles.

    • A good hot oil treatment or deep conditioner:  It is an all natural based shea butter treatment.  Apply the conditioner or hot oil treatment to the hair and scalp, cover with a plastic cap and sit under a dryer for 15-20 minutes.  Alternatively, you can wrap your head in a towel.  Then wash the hair thoroughly.  This is very important for dry brittle hair.  We have several here:  Hair Repair Products

    • A good leave in conditioner or daily moisturizer:  This is what you'll put on your hair after you've thoroughly cleaned it to continue to provide oil and moisture.

    • A comb for your hair type.  Don't try to drag one of those skinny toothed combs through your natural kinky or curly hair.  You'll just end up pulling it out and breaking it off.

    • A good boar bristle brush (use sparingly though)

    • A spray bottle to mist your hair

    • A scarf, cap, or wrap to wear on your head at night- or a satin pillow case (well, two)

    Afya Ibomu 
    Certified holistic health counselor and Entrepreneur 

    Current Issue

    Nattral Magazine! Issue 19 Available Now at Subscribe Today!

    Tia Borgsmidt


    Posted February 20, 2010
    A wholesome approach to those little, in-between meals

    As with all things, children imitate what they see, so don't expect your child to eat healthy snacks if your noshing on junk. Eliminate unhealthy nibbles from the house; what's not there can't be eaten. Keep bowls of grapes, cherries or plums out on the counter, and be sure your kids catch you eating them.

    Healthy snacks to have on hand:

    1.  Yogurt with fruit slices.
    2.  Cinnamon graham crackers and peanut or cashew butter.
    3. Whole-grain low-sugar cereal and soy, rice or almond milk.
    4.  Organic dried veggies
    5.  Salsa with baked chips
    6.  Whole-grain pretzels and almond butter
    7.  Guacamole or hummus with jicama stiks.
    8.  Raw fruit and nut bars



    There is nothing like have a nice cup of coffee to start off your day once in awhile .  I truly enjoy the taste of coffee but, have come to know over the years that caffeine is not good for everyone.  The affects of Caffeinated coffee are jitters/anxiety, stress, energy crash and dehydration.  Looking for the taste of coffee but, not the affects, I came across Teeccino a few years age.  An herbal coffee that is delicious and beneficial to the body. 

    Good to the last herb, Teeccino Maya Organic Herbal Coffees offer rich, robust coffee flavor and brew exactly like coffee.  The enchanting flavor of the Maya line comes from an exotic, unique ingredient new to the U.S. called the ramon nut.

    An ingredient discovered in the Maya Biosphere Reserve by Teeccino founder and master herbal blender, Caroline MacDougall, the ramon nut has intense flavor notes that mimic coffee and will perfectly please the most coveted coffee connoisseur.

    Ramon nuts are also a powerhouse of nutrition as they are high in protein, contain all the essential amino acids, detoxify the liver and are rich in nutrients including calcium, iron, and vitamins B and C and it helps with the digestive system.  All the minerals and nutrients allow for a steady, sustained rise in energy leaving you clear, fresh and focused without the crash.

    Posted February 19, 2010Chlorophyll: Does a body good

    The green coloring-matter of plants.

    World Organic Chlorophyll is derived exclusively from high quality alfalfa leaves. Chlorophyll is essential to the process of photosynthesis..often called the "building block of life." Without chlorophyll there is no life.

    Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level and is known to help cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. Chlorophyll consumption increases the number of red blood cells and, therefore, increase oxygen utilization by the body. Chlorophyll also reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. It also breaks down calcium oxalate stones for elimination, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid. 

    Other Chlorophyll Benefits

    So in addition to helping to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, chlorophyll, being highly alkaline, also gives the body the following benefits:
    • Anti Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution). It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as pro-carcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals Carcinogenesis and Food and Chemical Toxicology clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis.
    • Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory: containing high levels of the vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation.
    • Chelation of Heavy Metals: chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. It’s ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer. I’m about to have four mercury fillings removed, and you can bet that I will be getting PLENTY of chlorophyll into my body after the procedure!
    • Antiseptic: while chlorophyll doesn’t actually have antiseptic properties of its own, it, quite remarkably, DOES have the ability to aid our body’s tissue in destroying germs. By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and, at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria!
    • Treats Bad Breath: This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodorizer, it will eliminate odors in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract - which is the primary reason for bad breath.
    • Rapid Delivery of Magnesium: this has a highly alkalizing effect on the body and helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues.
    • Contains vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.

    the benefits of Lemons:

    drinking warm lemon water twice a day to promote healthy digestion and to help rid toxins in the liver and body, this is especially helpful when drinking first thing in the morning before eating.  Outside of lemons healing properties, they are very potent when using them as an antiseptic, and for cleaning. Try rubbing down your bathroom and kitchen counters with a fresh lemon for a clean & fresh feel and to help kill those nasty germs!

    1. Lemon act as blood purifier and improves the body’s ability to get rid of toxins.

    2. Lemon fruit is excellent in fighting disease that's related to infection.

    3. Buy lemon to get rid of certain insects. It’s mother nature’s version of insecticides and will help to repel mosquitoes and flies

    4. Some people love antiseptics and would apply it to their skin whenever they have the smallest cut. The good news is you can use lemon on cuts too since it's nature's antiseptics. Not only that, because of its styptics property, it is said that lemon could be applied on cuts to stop bleeding.

    5. Drinking lemon juice is useful for people with heart problem - because of its high potassium content

    The use of Lemon:

    1. Drink fresh lemon juice to cleanse your system

    2. Use pure lemon juice on wasp and bee stings to relieve pain

    3. Lemon juice mixed with olive oil may help to dissolve gallstones

    4. It is believed that regular intake of fresh lemons may be useful in treating cases of kidney stones

    The Shangri-La Diner

    Maaan! This place is awesome! The first time my family and I ate here....we could not get enough. We are regulars and now know the owner (Patrice Mari) very well.
    This authentic hippie vegetarian cuisine with a colorful flair is delicious.  I could go on and on but, believe me. Make a visit and I PROMISE you won't be disappointed.......Magnificente'

    2201 Cherokee Street
    in the heart of Antique Row
    Open Wed-Thu 5pm-9pm; Fri-Sat 9am-10pm; Sun 9am-5pm

    Shangri La serves delicious vegetarian cuisine with a colorful flair! With our crazy, zany staff and funky atmosphere we welcome anyone who's just as weird, unique, and independent as us!

    We provide a refuge from the corporate-dominated cookie-cutter restaurants serving nothing but over-priced meat-slabs. You won't find artery clogging fat-balls and greasy slop here!

    Our restaurant is independent, small, and part of the culture and community of Saint Louis. Instead of sending your money to corporate suits in New York, your money stays here, in the community, to help enrich our city!

    We're that friend you had in High School that would stand up in civics class and yell about oppression, we're that crazy but cool aunt with all of those giant feathered hats, we're uncle Wilber who moved to San Francisco for some culture, we're that guy up the street that wears nothing but tie-die T-shirts and keeps his hair in a pony-tail. We're weird, we're fun, we're fabulous, and we're ready to serve up some of the best damn veggie-food this side of squares-ville!(Patrice Mari)

    A Hip Retro Cafe

       Foam, is a new retro coffeehouse at Jefferson Avenue and Cherokee Str
       3359 South Jefferson Avenue St Louis, MO 63118-3117

    I have not been here yet but, have heard nothing but awesome things bout this place. It's well over-due. I think I will have me a nice cup of coffee or a late afternoon beer......hmmm. Decisions.


    Living Raw

    A book I have yet to use but, soon and very soon

    February 18, 2010
    Karyn’s: Here’s to your health
    Raw Foodist & Teacher age 61

    Founded by Karyn Calabrese, one of the most popular and innovative leaders in the holistic health industry, Karyn's Center provides a sacred space for the balancing of the body, mind and spirit. Serving people of all backgrounds, the center aims at assisting people in their healing process. The Center is designed to address all aspects of well-being, focusing on maintaining health while encouraging disease prevention.

    Karyn had been a vegetarian for 12 years, but this was merely a first step leading towards a completely raw food diet.  She believes it is not enough to simply eat live foods but to cleanse the body of the strong, negative, anti-life foods still in the body. Today, Karyn teaches detoxification classes through the year to give these lessons to others. To facilitate this process of cleansing, she opened a holistic therapy center, Karyn’s Inner Beauty Center. 
    She has created an all-encompassing environment of food, health, guidance and care where we can all participate in our own well being. For as Karyn herself questions at the end of every day: “If you don’t take care of this [your body] where are you going to live?”

    February 17, 2010 DOMINO MAGAZINE

    It’s official: Conde Nast is closing down home decor magazine Domino, due to the increasingly shaky economic outlook. “This decision to cease publication of the magazine and its website is driven entirely by the economy,” said the publisher. First Ready-made closed its Berkeley office, now Domino is officially no more? While Domino was primarily a ’shopping magazine’ (and clearing shopping isn’t resonating so much with consumers these days), Domino also was one of the first major magazines to bring attention to the green design movement, so we are really sorry to see it go. And of course, they featured In-habitat last year, along with many of our green design friends and com-padres, so we are very sad to hear this news. I guess things are really looking bleak in the shelter magazine category!? Domino, you will be missed! Jill Fehrenbacher

    All good things must come to an end *sigh*
    I was truly a faithful die hard fan of this magazine.
    This was one of the best magazines EVER!...I better hold on to my
    issues, I have plenty. These are great memories to look back on.

    Domino's Memories:














     Amazing....I hope to find another magazine that can compare.
    I'LL MISS U!

    Now I must go and purchase the book


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